Backroads Trip Leaders: FAQs & Answers

Information on this Page

  • Legal Work Authorization
  • Certifications and Requirements
  • Logistics of the Hiring Process
  • Work Schedules & Locations
  • Success in the Field

Legal Work Authorization

What is legal work authorization?

To be employed by Backroads, you must have legal authorization to work in the US, Canada, or one of the European countries listed below.

Our European subsidiary 801 FRANCE, located in France, is our legal working hub for all Europeans, can only employ citizens or permanent residents of the following countries: Spain, Italy, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, and Portugal.

Employment eligibility requirements vary, so please see below for the basic requirements to determine if you are legally authorized to work in one of these countries.

Europe Specific:

Basic Requirements:

  • Hold a European passport.
  • Have a primary residence in one of the countries from the above list (primary is defined by living there at least 6 months of the year OR the place where you spend the most time during the year).
  • Hold a European driving license.
  • Hold a European bank account.
  • Be registered in the National Health Care institution in the European country where you live.
  • National Tax ID Number for the country in which you reside. 

If you are a UK citizen:

  • A UK passport will only allow you to work in the UK and Ireland. You may be scheduled to work outside of the UK/Ireland for less than 90 days.
  • In your second year working for Backroads, you will be eligible for our French Visa Program which allows you to work in France with occasional assignments in other countries.
  • You will be under a French work contract based on specific UK regulations.
  • You will be paid out in pounds on a UK bank account and all the social contributions will be paid in the UK.

Canada Specific:

You need the ability to permanently work in Canada, which means you need to be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and possess a Social Insurance Number. We do not accept or sponsor temporary work visas. You must possess a current, non-graduated, full Class-5 Canadian Driver’s License.

US Specific:  

The most common for field staff to provide is a US passport which establishes both Identity and Employment authorization. We do not accept temporary work visas.

If a field staff does not have a passport, most employees bring in:

  • A Drivers License and a Social Security Card OR A Drivers License and a birth certificate.



How active do I need to be to apply?

You need to possess the basic physical skills required for our biking, walking and multi-adventure trips. To lead biking trips, you'll want to be able to ride the daily mileages we offer guests (30 - 50 miles), with panniers or a saddlebag holding extra tools, food and water. On walking trips, you should be able to hike the daily distances (5 - 10 miles), while carrying a full daypack. Leading trips also involves a substantial amount of heavy lifting. For example, you will be trained to lift a bicycle and "rack" it onto the top of the van, a combined weight of approximately 35 pounds. You'll also need to load and unload large pieces of luggage on a daily basis. In terms of mechanical skills, we'll teach you how to repair bicycles, hitch a trailer to the van, drive a large vehicle confidently, etc.

Does an applicant need to be a capable bike mechanic?

While most of our applicants do not feel confident in the full-range of bike mechanic skills when they first apply, Backroads leaders quickly learn to confidently fix typical bike issues in the field such as fine-tuning shifting, changing pedals, swapping saddles, changing brake pads and fixing flat tires. It's to your benefit to start learning and practicing these skills early, keeping in mind we may check applicant's basic skills at in-person hiring events.

How important is it to speak another language?

We require all of our Trip Leaders and Trip Prep Specialists to be able to speak English fluently. Speaking another language, specifically French, Italian or German, will greatly increase your chances of being hired, and being conversant in the local language is required to work in Europe. You will have the opportunity to test your language fluency at a Hiring Event or prior to training, if invited.

Do I need a special driver's license?


The DOT requires leaders licensed in California to carry a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) while driving a passenger van in California. CA license holders are not required to carry a CDL when leading in other states. If you're licensed within the state of California, please keep in mind that you will likely have to go through the process of obtaining a CDL when you're finished with training. The process usually takes 1 - 2 weeks. Backroads will reimburse the costs of licensing process. Information on the entire CDL process can be found here:

If you're hired, before you come to training, it would be helpful to get a jump start on the process:

  • 1. DOT MEDICAL EXAM: In order to start the CDL process, you have to obtain a DMV/DOT Medical Exam and Certificate and bring this to the DMV. This is easy to do, it just requires time to find a place to give you a quick medical exam and certify you're "road worthy." You may find a Medical Examiner here and schedule an appointment. If hired, we reimburse up to $145 for the exam.
  • 2. WRITTEN TEST: Take the written portion of the exam at the DMV. You can walk in or schedule an appointment. We will reimburse you for any fees for the exam. You will then be given a permit that we will use to schedule the driving portion of the test once you have completed training in Salt Lake City.

Leaders with licenses from outside of California are NOT required to carry a CDL while leading in California or any other state. Your valid passenger vehicle license is sufficient.


If you are hired as a Canadian Trip Leader, you are required to obtain your Class 4 License (or provincial equivalent). You are not required to have your Class 4 for the Trip Prep Specialist role. If you are hired, it is best to work towards or obtain your Class 4 License before you attend training.

The information below explains the most efficient way of obtaining your Class 4. If you are attending a Hiring Event in Canada it is best to have given thought to this ahead of time because the turnaround time between the Hiring Event and Training is short:

Do you already have a Class 4 equivalent from another province?

Great! Your license is valid outside your home province for 3 months and you are ready to lead this summer.

Do you currently reside outside Alberta and have sufficient time to complete the ENTIRETY of your Class 4 before coming to Canmore for training?

Go to your nearest Provincial Motor Vehicle Branch and pick up the Driver's Handbooks (basic and professional manuals) for a Class 4 Commercial Driver's License (or the equivalent in your home province). Remember you will need to have time to complete the entire process before coming to training. Make sure to double check that there are appointments available for the driving test!

Will you be obtaining your Class 4 in Alberta?

If you are completing the licensing process in Alberta, but you are currently registered as a driver in another province, Backroads will provide you with a letter stating that you are an employee of Backroads and will be working and residing in the Province of Alberta. There is a 10-day waiting period for the re-classing of your current driver's license to an Alberta one. You can, however, complete the written test for your Class 4 during this waiting period.

The Alberta Provincial Motor Vehicle Branches require that you complete a written driver's test and a medical examination.

For your Class 4 license, Backroads reimburses you for the majority of the costs associated with obtaining the license.


Logistics of the Hiring Process

I applied before. What do I need to do to be considered for the 2024 season?

If you've applied previously please click the "APPLY NOW" button and if you use the same name and email as you did for your previous application, you will be able to edit and re-submit your prior application. Please note that because we have changed our video questions we would like you to re-take the video interview, and we will need an updated driving record.

Which Hiring Event may I attend?

Our Hiring Events are by invitation-only and they're required to be considered for the position. During your interview we will ask you to indicate your availability and preferences for our Hiring Events. If invited, we'll work with you to select an event that suits your schedule, and you'll receive a comprehensive packet of information to help you plan the next steps.

May I request an informational interview?

Unfortunately, we are unable to grant requests for informational interviews. If you're interested in learning more about the job, please review the comprehensive information posted on this website. Of course, you may have questions unique to your situation, and we welcome an exchange and will strive to answer any questions you may have during the interview.

How do I get a copy of my driving record? Do I really need one?

Yes, we need proof of a clean driving record before we can hire you. This information is required and essential for insurance purposes. Your report must show any accidents or infractions on your record. Unfortunately, we are not able to consider applicants who have alcohol-related offenses on their driving record (DUI/DWI).

For US candidates: Most states will now allow you to order or access a copy of your driving record online. Please visit your local DMV for information.

For Canadian and European applicants: Please click the country links below for information on how to obtain a copy of your driving record/abstract:


Work Schedules & Locations

How much will I work?

The Compensation, Benefits & Work Authorization page has the most accurate estimate of days worked for new Trip Leaders. Your own availability and start date will likely impact the amount of work you receive. If you want to maximize your work schedule, we suggest that applicants attend the earliest possible hiring and training events, minimize your time-off requests during the summer, and stay available to lead through our fall peak (the end of September). As a seasonal employee, you will not likely work more than six months in your first year unless you're selected for winter "peak" work which would mean a few additional weeks of work in late December/early January. In that scenario, your season would likely conclude by January 10.

May I request time off during the busy summer and fall season?

Yes, but it's important to realize that it can be difficult to schedule a leader around time-off requests, and time-off requests often reduce the number of trips a leader is scheduled to lead (which limits earning potential). Most leaders have weddings or family reunions to attend, and this is fine. However, because trips start and finish on weekends, being unavailable on a weekend means that you will not be scheduled to work the week before, and the week after the weekend you are unavailable. Because the majority of our trips take place between May and October, it's best to limit time-off requests in these months if you want to be scheduled fully. Please note: You must be able to lead trips during our peak fall season, which includes the month of September. We may not be able to hire you if you can't work in September. Please discuss this with your interviewer if you anticipate a conflict.

I'm in school or have other commitments until the middle of June, am I still eligible for hire?

Yes, you're still eligible as long as you can attend a Hiring Event, training and be available to start the last week of June (one of our busiest weeks). However, September is a very busy month, and we need leaders to be available for work during the month of September.

Why are these positions presented as seasonal? Is year-round work available?

We present the job as seasonal because most work is April - October in Europe, May - September in the United States, and June-September in Canada. So, in your first year of employment as a Trip Leader, you will be considered "seasonal" with the opportunity to qualify for year-round employment in subsequent years. Seasonal employees typically work six months of the year and their season ends by October. Although we strive to provide winter employment for Trip Leaders and Trip Prep Specialists, we cannot guarantee trip-leading work through the winter/spring, and this is generally only available for those in their second year of employment and beyond. If you possess the appropriate language skills, you may be eligible to work winter trips in Latin America, Asia and Northern Africa and will be promoted to either extended seasonal status, or year-round status. Winter trips are awarded on the basis of performance and language skills, while also taking into account seniority. For comparison, from 2015 - 2018, about 20% of our new leaders received winter work, and in 2022, that percentage was about 17%. Almost all had Spanish language skills.

Do you have part-time Trip Leader positions?

Yes, we have several leaders who only lead a few trips (or even one trip) a year. However, if you’re looking for part time work, we require you to be available during our peak season which is mid-June to mid-July and September. Often leaders who work part-time are leaders who have worked full time in the past.

How much time will there be between my training and my first trip?

It depends on which session of our Leadership Training Program you attend. Generally speaking, new leaders enter the field between 1 - 21 days after having graduated from training. Leadership Training Programs in April and May tend to have longer gaps prior to field entry than those in June and July. However, leaders who graduate from the earlier trainings also tend to work more over the course of the season. Once you enter the field, your training will continue by way of a Regional Familiarization. You might be scheduled to "shadow" a trip, work as a Support Leader, explore the region and routes on your own or guided by an experienced leader. Finally, you'll lead your very first trip paired with an experienced "Training Leader."

Will I work in a number of different locations?

You'll typically work in 1-2 regions in your first year. The opportunity to work in more regions grows in your second year and beyond.

Where will I work?

Leaders receive their trip leading assignments near the end of the training process. Several factors determine where you might work, including an individual's experience, performance in training, language skills (if applicable), ability to drive manual transmission (if applicable), availability and, above all, our company need.

What if I only really want to work in one location?

If you have expertise in a particular region where Backroads runs trips, this works well. As a matter of fact Backroads is motivated to find qualified local leaders, who can offer our guests an insider's perspective, in ALL of the regions where we're running trips. Please tell us during the phone interview if you have a strong desire to lead only in one area. Note that we cannot guarantee work exclusively in one area and our company needs, as well as creating the best possible guest experiences, dictate leader schedules.

What if I prefer to work somewhere other than the region where I live?

Ultimately the quality of our guest experience drives scheduling decisions. We recognize the added value of having guests on trips with local leaders who are passionate about the place they call home! In some cases we hire specifically with this in mind. Over time, Backroads leaders with the appropriate language skills and experience may work in a number of different places; however, please understand that working near home through the busy summer/fall season may be the best thing for our guests. We can discuss further during the interview process if necessary.

Will I be leading in my preferred region?

All leaders submit requests for regions where they would prefer to work. You will be assigned where we need you most and where we think you will excel, strongly taking into account leader performance, availability, knowledge of area and foreign language abilities (among other variables). Given time, Backroads leaders can see and experience a lot of the world. The best way to accomplish this is to excel with the work you're given, remain open and flexible, and remember that Backroads Trip Leaders are employees filling a company need.

Is area expertise required to work in different regions?

Leading trips requires expertise of the area in which you're scheduled—either from previous experience in the region and/or from taking the initiative to gain in-depth knowledge. Examples of appropriate expertise are knowledge in cultures/customs, history, cuisine, geology, flora/fauna, politics, language, etc.

Beyond leading trips, what other types of work does a Trip Leader do?

Trip Leaders take on a variety of roles during the season, including training, "unit drives," regional familiarization, equipment maintenance and more.

Do Trip Leaders lead all types of trips?

Leaders may be scheduled for trips with all types of activities—biking, walking and multi-adventure. Please note: we especially seek leaders who like to ride and have good mechanical aptitude and ability to lead our biking trips. In addition, leaders may be scheduled for trips with either hotels or small cruise ships, and for different groups of people: Adults, Families and Private groups. Our family program is especially strong so it wouldn't hurt to highlight any relevant skills you have (working with children, facilitating activities for kids) on your application.

Does Backroads fly leaders home between trips?

No, once leaders leave their Training Hub (Salt Lake City, Canmore or Pernes) at the start of the season, if they choose to travel home in between trips, the cost is theirs. Backroads pays for leaders to travel between regions for work.

Where will I be sleeping during trips and between trips?

Most regions have a "Field Staff House" where all employees sleep when they are in between work. If a House is not available, Backroads will provide an inexpensive hotel in a gateway city. While working on trip, accommodations generally match those of our guests. When leading Hotel Trips, leaders share a "Leader Room" that is typically in the same hotel as our guests' rooms. The "Leader Room" will never be more desirable than our guests' rooms, but in almost all cases it will be onsite. Note that while leaders share accommodations, each leader will have his or her own bed or sleeping space (sometimes a roll-away, and rarely a sleeping bag and pad on the floor). Trip Prep Specialists live in the "Field Staff House" full time.

What is a typical day like for a Backroads Trip Leader?

There is no "typical" day for a leader—surprises, challenges and opportunities arise all the time. This gives a sense of what you could expect during the course of the day as a leader:

Morning: The day often begins early and it's up to you and your co-leaders to set the stage for a great day: tuning bikes, loading luggage, cleaning vans, preparing snacks and the day’s lunch.

Just as you finish your preparations, it's time to start the day's activity, beginning with route talks and safety tips. Regardless of the activity, at least one leader will participate with the guests, providing route support. Another leader will provide support in the van, taking care of guest needs, perhaps preparing a picnic lunch, transferring luggage and attending to logistical details as needed. Throughout the week, leaders rotate these roles. You may be one of two or three leaders depending on the type of trip. There will almost always be two or three leaders assigned to each trip.

Evening: You may share a meal with your guests. It may be a gourmet meal at a fine restaurant if you're leading a Hotel or Ship Trip, or it could be a more informal one at a local's favorite. After dinner it might be back to the van, trailer and bikes to tie up any loose ends, or watching the stars with your co-leaders. Naturally exhausted, you will fall into bed, to rest up for whatever tomorrow may bring.

Success in the Field

Backroads is committed to the success of every Trip Leader and Trip Prep Specialist. Should you be hired and invited to attend a Backroads Training session, we will give you the tools needed to be successful in the field with our guests and with your co-leaders.

Upon graduating Leader or TPS training, we pair each new field staff with a mentor, a seasoned Backroads Leader or Trip Prep Specialist, who is committed to your growth and success throughout your first season and beyond.

Backroads is a feedback-driven company. We are constantly receiving feedback from our guests and giving & receiving feedback to and from one another. We truly believe it helps us grow as a company, a culture, and as individuals.

Occasionally during Training, if we observe that an individual is unable to meet the demands of the position, we reserve the right to terminate employment. It is only upon graduating a Backroads training session that a new Leader or Trip Prep Specialist is sent into the field for their first work assignments.


If you have further questions, please contact our Hiring and Training team at