How do I choose the right trip for my family?

It's easy! Backroads is the only travel company to offer trips for three distinct age groups, each one designed to offer fun and exhilarating activities for the whole family. Our experience has taught us that some of the best memories come from traveling with families in similar life stages.

Trips for Families with Teens & Kids (most common ages 9-16): Watch the kids head out to enjoy cool activities with our equally cool leaders, while you explore further on your own… or just relax by the pool. Time together and time apart means a more rewarding vacation for everyone. Best for ages 9+ (ages 4+ ok).

Trips for Families with Older Teens & 20s (17+): Everyone’s busy schedule makes it hard to get quality time together. So here’s your chance: trips tailored to varied interests and energy levels, with just the right mix of family activities and adventures with new friends to ensure a great shared experience. One or more kids 17-23 required (siblings 14+ ok).

Trips for Families with 20s & Beyond (young adults through their late 20s): Your young adult have full calendars. But they’ll make time for a fun break from juggling life’s new demands, especially when they can travel with you and their peers. It’s more fun for the young adults and for the older generations. One or more kids 20-35 required (siblings 17+ ok).