Your Trip Consultant has noted that you will be bringing your own electric bike. Below are some things for you to consider. If you’ve changed your mind and have decided instead to ride a Backroads bike, please let your Trip Consultant know right away.

Shipping Case

If you plan to fly or ship your bike to the trip start, please check with your Trip Consultant to be sure there is a place to store your case during your trip. Many trips do not start and end at the same place, which can lead to difficulties retrieving your case at the trip’s end.

Packing for Your Trip

Please remember your charger as well as any plug converter if you’re traveling out of the country. You will also want to bring some spare tubes that match your bike’s specifications.

Is Your Bike Ready for Five or More Days of Riding?

Please keep in mind that the typical day on a Backroads trip may contain 25 to 45 miles, or about 4 to 5 hours, of riding. If you have not ridden distances of this length before with your electric bike, we suggest you do so before your trip so you know its strengths and limitations, especially around battery life.

Staying Charged

While your Trip Leaders will certainly help as much as they can, you are responsible for getting your bike charged each evening.

Route Support

Unless your electric bike is lightweight (less than 35 pounds), a single Trip Leader may be unable to accommodate it in the van along the route. If it is excessively heavy, it will need to be transported in the trailer, and the trailer is not always with the van during the day. Please understand these issues may limit the number of opportunities you’ll have to call it a day and hop in the van

E-Bike Etiquette During Your Trip

In order to ensure a safe experience for everyone, all cyclists must respect pedestrians and other cyclists by using safe speeds and signaling when passing. On mixed-use pathways, pedestrians have the right of way. When passing, you should slow and give them space. And when you’re passing other riders, you should call out, “On your left!” so as not to surprise them. Be gracious and, if it feels appropriate, encouraging to other riders as you pass them on the hills. You may find yourself ahead of the pack, especially on hillier routes or when it’s windy. Take time to ride with your fellow travelers, enjoy the views and take some photos—you’ll thank yourself later. If you’re extra speedy you may arrive at cultural stops, meals or the hotel earlier than others. If this is what you want... great! If not, ask your leaders for back pocket options to enjoy some extra miles or cultural moments along the way.

Spare Bikes

Your Trip Leaders may not have a spare bike available should you decide mid-trip you no longer want to ride your bike or in the event of a malfunction. This is also true should you decide last minute not to bring your e-bike on the trip.