Preview Heather Hendrie

Heather Hendrie

Heather is a fire starter! She's started numerous local environmental projects, brought Powered by The People (an organization that uses bikes to harness energy) to life, fanned the first sparks of the Dragon Fly Cohousing project (which helped bring the fire of the Transition Movement to Calgary) and she’s just all around a force to be reckoned with. Red headed, smart as a whip and fiercely passionate, this gal has got her paws in everything that matters to her. In addition to her outreach and education work, she also currently juggles blogging, trip leading and working as a Trip Expert with Backroads. Heather is currently based in Canmore in the stunning Canadian Rockies and looks forward to meeting you on the trail and helping to spark your own passions! Follow Heather's personal "misadventures" on her own blog at: